How To Stay Focused On Your Goalsㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

by Sirhud Kalra
4.60(5 Ratings)

Do you find yourself ‘thinking’ a lot, but not ‘doing’ a lot? 

Do you face difficulty in ‘committing’ to a goal for the long term? 

Do you find yourself coming back to ’judging’ yourself with negative introspection? 

If the answer to above is Yes, you are going to get some really hard hitting Practical Steps to KILL these questions once and for all, and not get distracted by your own thoughts. 

In this call Coach Sirhud Kalra has shared how to stay focused on your goals, how to be self aware and how to know yourself better. 

It will guide you on how you can stop the chatter in your mind and clear out the clutter, to keep up with your purpose in life. To focus on the only thing that matters – what you and your Self need to do in Life RIGHT NOW. 

How do you do that? 



from a 


to a 


A 3 step approach is explained in this call, which further grows deeper into each point’s individual components.

Along with 2 Principles of Permanence that one needs to stand by for the rest of his Life – in order to be able to be his OWN solution to his NEW problems. 

 Make notes while you Dive deep into this call as Coach Sirhud speaks to an old junior colleague who worked for him.


Do you find yourself ‘thinking’ a lot, but not ‘doing’ a lot? 

Do you face difficulty in ‘committing’ to a goal for the long term? 

Do you find yourself coming back to ’judging’ yourself with negative introspection? 

If the answer to above is Yes, you are going to get some really hard hitting Practical Steps to KILL these questions once and for all, and not get distracted by your own thoughts. 

In this call Coach Sirhud Kalra has shared how to stay focused on your goals, how to be self aware and how to know yourself better. 

It will guide you on how you can stop the chatter in your mind and clear out the clutter, to keep up with your purpose in life. To focus on the only thing that matters – what you and your Self need to do in Life RIGHT NOW. 

How do you do that? 



from a 


to a 


A 3 step approach is explained in this call, which further grows deeper into each point’s individual components.

Along with 2 Principles of Permanence that one needs to stand by for the rest of his Life – in order to be able to be his OWN solution to his NEW problems. 

 Make notes while you Dive deep into this call as Coach Sirhud speaks to an old junior colleague who worked for him.

Student Ratings & Reviews

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2 years ago
Too much knowledge gives a false sense of accomplishment. One does not realize when it becomes a drug for u. Anything not related to ur present condition is actually junk and drains a lot of ur energy whether physical or mental.
1 year ago
इस सेशन को देखने के बाद और बताए गए rule को apply करोगे..... आपकी 101% results मिलेंगे...✍️
2 years ago
Amazing just really makes us realize that how much we are ignorant about our very own life
3 years ago
This was very relatable, Amazing information. It will change a lot of things in life. Recommending to everyone who might seem to be lost in everything around.
3 years ago
There are a lot of things that many can relate to.
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